How to say she is a student who studies very hard. in Japanese

1)彼女彼女(kanojo) (pn) she/her/her/girl friend/girlfriend/sweetheartは(ha) (int) indicating a subject/yes/indeed/well/ha!/what?/huh?/sighとてもとても(totemo) (adv) very/awfully/exceedingly/ at all/by no means/simply熱心熱心(nesshin) (adj-na,n) zeal/enthusiasmに(ni) (prt) indicates such things as location of person or thing, location of short-term action, etc.勉強勉強(benkyou) (n,vs) study/diligence/discount/reductionするする(suru) (vs-i) to do/to cause to become/to make/to turn/to serve as/to act as/to work as/to wear/to judge as being/to view as being/to think of as/to treat as/to use as/to decide on/to choose/ to be sensed/to be/to be worth/to cost/to pas学生学生(gakusei) (n) heian-period student of government administration/buddhist scholar/researcher at a buddhist temple/person studying buddhism/learning/scholarshipですです(desu) (aux) be/is/are。(。) Japanese period "."    
kanojo hatotemo nesshin ni benkyou suru gakusei desu 。
Grammer form丁寧語 (Polite form)Polite form (teineigo)
convays a sense of politeness, used when speaking to strangers, people older than you, higher social status ect.
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everything that has meaning can be called language.

the birds are singing.

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i have tried every way.

hang up and wait a moment, please.

walking in the park, i found a baby bird.

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