How to say he smoked a cigar after lunch. in Japanese

1)彼(kare) (ok) that , or something understood without naming it directly)/that person/over there/hey/eh?/thatは(ha) (int) indicating a subject/yes/indeed/well/ha!/what?/huh?/sigh昼食昼食(chuushoku) (n) lunch/midday meal/food served at a tea partyの(no) (prt) indicates possessive/nominalizes verbs and adjectives/substitutes for "ga" in subordinate phrases/indicates a confident conclusion/ indicates emotional emphasis/indicates question後に後に(nochini) (adv) later on/subsequently/by and by/after a while葉巻葉巻(hamaki) (n) cigarを(wo) (prt) indicates direct object of action/indicates subject of causative expression/indicates an area traversed/indicates time over which action takes place/indicates point of departure or separation of action/indicates object of desire, like, hate,すったno dictionary result, likely a conjigated verbno dictionary result, likely a conjigated verb。(。) Japanese period "."    
kareha chuushoku no nochini hamaki wosutta 。
Grammer form日常会話 (Casual form)Casual form (nichijoukaiwa)
everyday casual language, commonly used between friends and family.
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