How to say what did you say you gave her for her birthday? in Japanese

1)あなたは彼女に何かプレゼントしたとおっしゃいましたか。error newjap[あなたは彼女に何かプレゼントしたとおっゃいまたか。] did not equal oldjap[あなたは彼女に何かプレゼントしたとおっしゃいましたか。] Splitting あなたは... split to あなた and は saving [あなた] to rollovers[0][0] Splitting したとおっしゃいましたか... split to したとおっしゃいました and か    
anataha kanojo ni nanika purezento shitatoosshaimashitaka 。
Blackbelt User
758 Points
2)彼女彼女(kanojo) (pn) she/her/her/girl friend/girlfriend/sweetheartへ(he) (prt) indicates direction or goalの(no) (prt) indicates possessive/nominalizes verbs and adjectives/substitutes for "ga" in subordinate phrases/indicates a confident conclusion/ indicates emotional emphasis/indicates question誕生日誕生日(tanjoubi) (n) birthdayプレゼントプレゼント(purezento) (n) present/gift/to give a present or giftは(ha) (int) indicating a subject/yes/indeed/well/ha!/what?/huh?/sigh何(nani) (int,pn,adj-no) what/ euph. for genitals or sexに(ni) (prt) indicates such things as location of person or thing, location of short-term action, etc.し(shi) (num) 10^24/septillion/quadrillionたとno dictionary result, likely a conjigated verbno dictionary result, likely a conjigated verb言(gen) (n) word/remark/statementい(i) (prt) strengthens a question, assertion, etc.ましたっけno dictionary result, likely a conjigated verbno dictionary result, likely a conjigated verb?(?) Japanese question mark    
kanojo heno tanjoubi purezento ha nani nishitato ii mashitakke ?
Translation by ari_diary
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