How to say how long are you going to stay in japan? in Japanese

1)いつまでいつまで(itsumade) (adv) how long?/till when?日本日本(nippon) (n) japanに(ni) (prt) indicates such things as location of person or thing, location of short-term action, etc.ご(go) (num) five滞在滞在(taizai) (n,vs) stay/sojournに(ni) (prt) indicates such things as location of person or thing, location of short-term action, etc.な(na) (prt) connects adj to noun/indicates emotion or emphasis/command/prohibitionりますno dictionary result, likely a conjigated verbno dictionary result, likely a conjigated verbか(ka) (prt) indicates question/indicates choice, doubt, etc.。(。) Japanese period "."    
itsumade nippon nigo taizai ninarimasuka 。
Blackbelt User
758 Points
2)あなたはどれくらno dictionary result, likely a conjigated verbno dictionary result, likely a conjigated verbい(i) (prt) strengthens a question, assertion, etc.日本日本(nippon) (n) japanに(ni) (prt) indicates such things as location of person or thing, location of short-term action, etc.滞在滞在(taizai) (n,vs) stay/sojournするする(suru) (vs-i) to do/to cause to become/to make/to turn/to serve as/to act as/to work as/to wear/to judge as being/to view as being/to think of as/to treat as/to use as/to decide on/to choose/ to be sensed/to be/to be worth/to cost/to pasつもり(n) intention/plan/conviction/beliefです(aux) be/is/areか(ka) (prt) indicates question/indicates choice, doubt, etc.。(。) Japanese period "."    
anatahadorekurai nippon ni taizai surutsumoridesuka 。
Blackbelt User
758 Points
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