How to say we tried to get him to change his mind, but couldn't. in Japanese

1)彼の彼の(kano) (adj-pn) that気持ち気持ち(kimochi) (n) feeling/sensation/moodを(wo) (prt) indicates direct object of action/indicates subject of causative expression/indicates an area traversed/indicates time over which action takes place/indicates point of departure or separation of action/indicates object of desire, like, hate,変え変え(kae) (n) changing/changeさせようとしたけれどno dictionary result, likely a conjigated verbno dictionary result, likely a conjigated verb、(、) Japanese commaむだむだ(muda) (adj-na,n) futility/uselessness/pointlessnessだっただった(datta) was。(。) Japanese period "."    
kano kimochi wo kae saseyoutoshitakeredo 、 mudadatta 。
Grammer form日常会話 (Casual form)Casual form (nichijoukaiwa)
everyday casual language, commonly used between friends and family.
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Blackbelt User
758 Points
2)私たち私たち(watashitachi) (pn,adj-no) we/usは(ha) (int) indicating a subject/yes/indeed/well/ha!/what?/huh?/sigh彼の彼の(kano) (adj-pn) that考え考え(kangae) (n) thinking/thought/ideas/intentionを(wo) (prt) indicates direct object of action/indicates subject of causative expression/indicates an area traversed/indicates time over which action takes place/indicates point of departure or separation of action/indicates object of desire, like, hate,変え変え(kae) (n) changing/changeさせようとしたno dictionary result, likely a conjigated verbno dictionary result, likely a conjigated verbが(ga) (prt) indicates sentence subject/indicates possessive/but/however/still/and、(、) Japanese commaで(de) (prt) indicates location of action/at/in/indicates time of action/indicates means of action/cause of effect/by/and then/so/indicates continuing action/ indicates certainty, emphasis, etc.きなかったno dictionary result, likely a conjigated verbno dictionary result, likely a conjigated verb。(。) Japanese period "."    
watashitachi ha kano kangae wo kae saseyoutoshitaga 、 dekinakatta 。
Grammer form日常会話 (Casual form)Casual form (nichijoukaiwa)
everyday casual language, commonly used between friends and family.
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Translation by bunbuku
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