How to say it was not until she finished reading the book that she noticed who had written it. in Japanese

1)彼女彼女(kanojo) (pn) she/her/her/girl friend/girlfriend/sweetheart(int) indicating a subject/yes/indeed/well/ha!/what?/huh?/sigh(n,adj-na) sparse/not closeの(no) (prt) indicates possessive/nominalizes verbs and adjectives/substitutes for "ga" in subordinate phrases/indicates a confident conclusion/ indicates emotional emphasis/indicates question本(hon) (n) book/volume/script/this/present/main/head/real/regular/counter for long cylindrical things/counter for films, tv shows, etc./counter for goals, home runs, etc.を(wo) (prt) indicates direct object of action/indicates subject of causative expression/indicates an area traversed/indicates time over which action takes place/indicates point of departure or separation of action/indicates object of desire, like, hate,読み終no dictionary result, likely a conjigated verbno dictionary result, likely a conjigated verbわ(wa) (prt) indicates emotion or admiration/adds a female middle aged feel at the end of a sentenceってって(tte) (prt) casual quoting particle/indicates supposition/if ... then/indicates irony/indicates certainty, insistence, etc.初めて初めて(hajimete) (adv,adj-no) for the first time/only after ... is it .../only when ... do you ...誰(dare) (ok) whoが(ga) (prt) indicates sentence subject/indicates possessive/but/however/still/and書(kaki) (n,n-suf) document/book/penmanship/handwriting/calligraphyい(i) (prt) strengthens a question, assertion, etc.たのたの(tano) (exp) indicates emotion, admiration, emphasis, etc.か(ka) (prt) indicates question/indicates choice, doubt, etc.気(ki) (n) spirit/mind/heart/nature/disposition/motivation/intention/mood/feelings/atmosphere/essenceが(ga) (prt) indicates sentence subject/indicates possessive/but/however/still/andついたno dictionary result, likely a conjigated verbno dictionary result, likely a conjigated verb。(。) Japanese period "."    
kanojo hasono hon wo yomiowa tte hajimete darega kai tanoka kiga tsuita 。
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