How to say you say that your savings are piling up and you have no way of spending them? that's really an extravagant kind of worry to have. in Japanese

1)貯金貯金(chokin) (n,vs) savingsばっかりばっかり(bakkari) (prt) only/merely/nothing but/no more than/approximately/about/ just/as if to/about to/indicates emphasis増(zou) (n) increaseえ(e) (int) eh?/eh/ strengthens a question, assertion, etc./used when calling out to someoneて(te) (aux) indicates continuing action使い道使い道(tsukaimichi) (n) a use/purpose to which something is putが(ga) (prt) indicates sentence subject/indicates possessive/but/however/still/andないない(nai) (aux-adj) not/emphatic suffixだってだって(datte) (conj) after all/because/but/even/too/as well/also/they say/i hear/you mean?(?) Japanese question markそりゃまたno dictionary result, likely a conjigated verbno dictionary result, likely a conjigated verb随分随分(zuibun) (adv,adv-to) very/extremely/surprisingly/considerably/contemptible/reprehensible贅沢贅沢(zeitaku) (adj-na,n) luxury/extravagance/to live in luxuryな(na) (prt) connects adj to noun/indicates emotion or emphasis/command/prohibition悩み悩み(nayami) (n) trouble/troubles/worry/distress/sorrows/anguish/agony/problemだ(da) (aux) be/is/indicates past or completed action/indicates light imperativeな(na) (prt) connects adj to noun/indicates emotion or emphasis/command/prohibition。(。) Japanese period "."    
chokin bakkari fue te tsukaimichi ganaidatte ? soryamata zuibun zeitaku na nayami dana 。
Translation by bunbuku
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