How to say can you put me up tonight? in Japanese

1)今夜今夜(konya) (n-adv,n-t) this evening/tonightお(o) (int) oh!/polite prefix to the next word宅(taku) (n) house/home/husbandに(ni) (prt) indicates such things as location of person or thing, location of short-term action, etc.泊めno dictionary result, likely a conjigated verbno dictionary result, likely a conjigated verbてもらえませんno dictionary result, likely a conjigated verbno dictionary result, likely a conjigated verbか(ka) (prt) indicates question/indicates choice, doubt, etc.。(。) Japanese period "."    
konya o taku ni tome temoraemasenka 。
Grammer form丁寧語 (Polite form)Polite form (teineigo)
convays a sense of politeness, used when speaking to strangers, people older than you, higher social status ect.
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Translation by bunbuku
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