How to say in daredevil car races, there are moments when the drivers place themselves between the devil and the deep blue sea, trying to take the lead. in Japanese

1)向こう向こう(mukou) (n) opposite side/other side/opposite direction/over there/that way/far away/beyond/the other party/the other person/future見ずno dictionary result, likely a conjigated verbno dictionary result, likely a conjigated verbな(na) (prt) connects adj to noun/indicates emotion or emphasis/command/prohibitionカーレースカーレース(karesu) (n) car raceではでは(deha) (conj,int) then/well/so/well then、(、) Japanese commaリードリード(rido) (n,vs) lead/being in the lead/reed/read/readingを(wo) (prt) indicates direct object of action/indicates subject of causative expression/indicates an area traversed/indicates time over which action takes place/indicates point of departure or separation of action/indicates object of desire, like, hate,うばおうとしてno dictionary result, likely a conjigated verbno dictionary result, likely a conjigated verb、(、) Japanese commaか(ka) (prt) indicates question/indicates choice, doubt, etc.え(e) (int) eh?/eh/ strengthens a question, assertion, etc./used when calling out to someoneってにっちもさっちもno dictionary result, likely a conjigated verbno dictionary result, likely a conjigated verb行(gyou) (n) line/row/verse/carya/samskara/running scriptか(ka) (prt) indicates question/indicates choice, doubt, etc.なくなるなくなる(nakunaru) (v5r,vi) to die時(toki) (n) time/hour/moment/occasion/case/chance/opportunity/season/the times/the age/the day/tenseが(ga) (prt) indicates sentence subject/indicates possessive/but/however/still/andあるある(aru) (adj-pn) a certain .../some ...。(。) Japanese period "."    
mukou mizu na karesu deha 、 rido woubaoutoshite 、 kaettenicchimosacchimo ika nakunaru toki gaaru 。
Grammer form日常会話 (Casual form)Casual form (nichijoukaiwa)
everyday casual language, commonly used between friends and family.
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